Ève Magot, 2024

#gallery-1 { margin: auto; } #gallery-1 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 100%; } #gallery-1 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-1 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */ eve magot danse dans la scénographie Jardin Futur / Club Sabotage Poèsie de la création Trans de Jardin Futur / Club Sabotage Eve raconte l'histoire de l'erreur de traduction dans Jardin Futur / Club Sabotage Eve Magot danse l'erreur de traduction dans Jardin Futur / Club Sabotage

At the beginning everything was trans, and that was so good.

FUTURE GARDEN / CLUB SABOTAGE proposes a rewritting of the founding myth of Genesis where the act of creating the world would no longer be limited to a beginning and an end.

From my experience as a trans woman and from the way my trans-ness rearranges the world every seven days, I will tell a genesis that would be a perpetual, collective and changing practice, a creation of the world in which to dip our hands.

At the crossroads of the Garden of Eden and the strip club, we will build alternative and fanciful narratives of Genesis, a text that justifies a rigid and binary gender system. We will do this with seriousness and humor, magic and poetry. From our marginal and socially deviant existences, cultivating transformations of self and our worlds to survive and above all, live.

Who can help me keep the show going on? Pulling a rope to turn my tray?

Who wants to slow dance to spread love?

Who can witness what is being built?

A birth is never a solitary event: it requires the cooperation of an entire assembly. To welcome it, everyone will have a role to find, to play, and actions to carry out.

These proposals to participate, physically and symbolically, will echo the difficulty of transitioning. To its cost in energy and resources, and to their depletion in me and on Earth.

FUTURE GARDEN / CLUB SABOTAGE is a solo that proposes a catharsis, but also a celebration of ourselves through pleasure, tenderness and desire that drives life,  revolutions, adventures  and the creation of futures for all of us. We will share love, gentleness, our struggles, our commitments to transform realities that are too violent and unjust.

Conception, performanceÈve Magot
Writing, dramaturgy collaboration & handymanArsène Marquis
Assistant dramaturgySolène Celse
Video creationTomas Cali
Light creationLouise Rustan
Musical arrangementAria de la Celle
Music creation Ève Magot
Administration, production & diffusionBarbara Coffy
ProductionLa Fronde – Nina Santes & Ève Magot

L’échangeur – CDCN Hauts-de-France
CCN Créteil  et du Val-de-Marne / EMKA
FACT, Festival des Arts et Créations Trans
Festival REBISH, Toulouse

Festival Trente Trente, Bordeaux, Fr
Jerk Off Festival, Paris, Fr
Regard du Cygne, Paris, Fr
20 March 2025Festival + de Genres – KLAP Marseille
21 January 2025Festival Trente-Trente, TNBA, Bordeaux
11 october 2024Festival ”C’est comme ça!”, Échangeur CDCN Hauts-de-France
20 April 2024Creation in progress,
Grande Halle de la Villette, exposition 100% – Jerk-Off
1st March 2024Creation in progress, CCN Créteil Val de Marne / EMKA
16 Nov 2023Creation in progress, L’échangeur, CDCN Hauts de France
2,3,4 Nov 2023Creation in progress, Festival FACT, Festival des Arts et Créations Trans
28 June 2023Creation in progress, Festival REBISH, Toulouse
07-11th october 24L’Echangeur, CDCN Hauts de France
26 feb-1st march 24CCN Créteil Val de Marne / EMKA
13-17th november 23L’Echangeur, CDCN Hauts de France
23-31th october 23Théâtre des Clochards Célestes, Lyon
02-06th october 23CCN Créteil Val de Marne / EMKA
27-28th june 23Festival Rebish, Toulouse
03-05th may 23Le Regard du Cygne, Paris
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